Category: Metalurgy -> Ironworks products -> Tools and small general-use items
Country: All countries
 Item No. SPEC. A B C D B/S finish
mm mm mm mm kgs
RB50L 50mm ratchet
with long handle 52 230 90 101 5000 yellow zinc plated
RB50M 50mm ratchet
with standard handle 52 197 90 101 5000 yellow zinc plated
RB50S 50mm ratchet
with short handle 52 165 90 74 5000 yellow zinc plated
RB50D 50mm light duty ratchet 52 134 80 83 2000 yellow zinc plated[...] Details...   Ship's glands for electric conductors acc. to PN-69/93600 with a metric thread are destined for sealing electric conductors which pass through bulkheads, walls, decks, etc. and through ship's electrical equipment casings. The glands seal transitions of conductors of 4-57 mm in diameter at differential pressure up to 1 KG/cm2 (0.1 MN/m).[...] Details...  Średnice drutu: f 0,1 - f 7,0
Różnorakie kształty, kształt sprężyny zależy od indywidualnych wymagań klienta[...] Details...   Diamond needle nailfiles with working lenght: L=50/100, L=60/120, L=80/160, L=90/180, L=100/200.
rectangular S 7200
rectangular convergent S 7205
quadratic S 7210
triangular S 7220
knife S 7230
sword S 7240
half-round S 7250
round S 7260
lens S 7270
oval S 7280
triangular isosceles S 7225
flat rounded S 7206
We fulfil an orders upon any profiles, or in sets:
S7290 a'6 (6 pieces) - S 7200, S 7205, S 7210, S 7220, S 7250, S 7260,
S7290 a'8 (8 pieces) -[...] Details...   Mould : convex or flat
Grain : zirconium electrocorundum
Disc base : glass fibre or plastic
Grain : 40 , 60 , 80 , 120
General application : steel , nonferous metals , stainless steel
May also be used for : wood , plastic
Disc dimension : 115mm , 125mm , 178mm[...] Details...  We produce various kinds of Stainless Steel AISI 316 grade Bands for variouls sizes of Scuba Diving Cylinders. We are one of the main OEM producer of Bands and supplying to some well known brands.
Please feel free to write to us for more details/ product catalogues for our whole range of Scuba Diving products.
Neha International
Durga Park
New Delhi 110045
Phone: 0091 9810372756
Fax: 0091 1125395407[...] Details...  Uszczelnienie charakteryzuje się następującymi cechami:
• Konstrukcja modułowa ułatwiająca instalowanie
• Nie-metalowe części mokre
• Sprężyny poza medium procesowym
• Obudowa uszczelnienia spełniająca specyficzne uwarunkowania urządzenia
• Hydraulicznie odciążone pierścienie pary ślizgowej
• Opcja z tuleją zaciskową na utwardzane lub niemetalowe powierzchnie wałów.
Dostępne wielkości: ø20mm do ø100mm (ø0.625” do ø4.000”).
Dostępne w szerokim[...] Details...   These quality items are suitable for the industry standard Binzel 180 Amp (MB15) and 250 Amp (MB25) MIG welding torch.
Welding Tips are normally made of CuCrZr copper alloy.
For difficult working conditions , the best solutions are nozzles made of combined material, where the core is dispersion hardened and Cu covered in electrolytic copper.
Nozzles made of this material are characterized by high friction resistance and high softening temperature. They are recommended for both applications[...] Details...  Item No.
A B C Finish
mm mm mm
7/8" 5.2 27 21 Nickel PLATED
chrome plated
Stainless steel
1-1/8" 5.2 36 26
1-1/4" 6.0 37 28
1-1/2" 6.0 47 32
2" 6.0 60 40[...] Details...  Średnice drutu: f 0,1 - f 7,0
Zakończenia: uchwyty, zaczepy, uszy: niemieckie, angielskie, polskie, specjalne[...] Details...